Modern Dental Laboratory Company Limited 現代牙科器材有限公司招聘 MEDICAL, MANUFACTURING, CUSTOMER SERVICEEsther WuFebruary 4, 2025Assistant, FEB(1)
The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong 香港善導會招聘 SOCIAL SERVICESvivi macauFebruary 3, 2025FEB(1)
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 香港理工大學招聘 EDUCATION, MEDICALvivi macauJanuary 29, 2025Assistant, admin, Part Time, FEB(1)
Securities and Futures Commission 證監會招聘 BANKING/FINANCE, INVESTMENT, HUMAN RESOURCESEsther WuJanuary 29, 2025Part Time, admin, Assistant, FEB(1)