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Government Laboratory 政府化驗所招聘 (2.14截止)

Job Number: 48852

Department: Government Laboratory

Job Title: Senior Information Technology Officer

Salary: $71,010 per month

Closing Date(dd/mm/yyyy): 14/02/2025 23:59:00 

Entry Requirements:

Candidates should have (Note 1):

(a) a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Information Technology (IT) or related discipline from a Hong Kong university, or equivalent;

(b) attained Level 2 or above in Chinese Language and English Language in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSEE) or Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE), or equivalent (Note 2) ;

(c) at least 5 years’ relevant experience in the design, operation and maintenance, troubleshooting, and project management services of sizable enterprise networks, server infrastructure, and data centre; and

(d) Extensive experience in IT project implementation, including a proven track record of working successfully with contractors and leading team members.

Other Requirements:

Candidates should also have knowledge and / or experience in the following areas:

(i) Knowledge of IT systems and services (mainly in network and server) market research, design, implementation, testing, administration, etc.;

(ii) Knowledge in server-related services such as LDAP, AD, group policy, etc.;

(iii) Knowledge of VM Infrastructure, Microsoft Hyper-V, etc.;

(iv) Experiences in network system / server farm operation and maintenance;

(v) Experiences in security risk assessment, audit and incident handling;

(vi) Knowledge of network systems including core, data centre interconnect, DNS, network access control, proxy, firewall, internet gateway, network monitoring, VPN appliance, wireless network etc.; and

(vii) Knowledge of networking techniques including IPSec VPN, SDN, SD-WAN, SNMP, DNSSEC, packet capture, 802.1x, etc. is desirable;


Candidates who has experience in managing government projects, familiar with government regulations, procurement procedures and tendering procedures (item 1 to 4) or are holders of the certificates in item 5 or equivalent will be preferred:

(1) Experiences in Government Centrally Managed Messaging Platform (CMMP) email platform and application support and administration;

(2) Government Procurement procedures;

(3) Government IT Security policies and guidelines;

(4) Government Mobile Work Place Service and mobile Confidential Mail System; and

(5) Obtain valid certification of CCNP / CISSP / CISA / PMP / ITIL / VCP or equivalent.


Note 1: Applicants should have met the stated entry requirements on or before the closing date for application.

Note 2: For appointment purpose, ‘Grade E’ in Chinese Language and English Language (Syllabus B) in the HKCEE before 2007 are accepted administratively as comparable to ‘Level 2’ in Chinese Language and English Language in the 2007 HKCEE and henceforth.

Note 3: Applicants are required to attach a detailed resume and documents proving relevant work experiences, professional qualifications and academic qualifications including photocopies of certificates and transcripts showing the results achieved in Chinese and English languages as supporting documents for their application.


A Senior Information Technology Officer (SITO) is mainly deployed on the following types of work -

(1) To assist GL LAN Administrator (LAN Admin) and Senior IT Manager (SITM) to supervise Information Technology Officers and Technical Support Assistants on provision of IT technical supporting services to the Laboratory;

(2) to assist LAN Admin and SITM on monitoring the performance of contractors on implementation of IT services / projects;

(3) to prepare requirement specifications for purchasing IT related products and services and conduct acceptance test for hardware and software according to the respective specifications;

(4) to support, monitor and administrate various IT systems;

(5) to provide advice and technical supports on planning and updating the IT infrastructure facilities for existing and new sites for meeting with the Laboratory’s operational needs;

(6) to perform acquisition and installation of hardware, software and implementation services of various IT systems;

(7) to assist the Departmental IT Security Officer (DITSO) and SITM on implementation of IT security measures in compliance with Government IT Security Standards;

(8) to provide technical support and monitoring of IT infrastructure and IT security-related activities;

(9) to assist the LAN Admin and SITM to perform various administrative tasks on IT matters; and

(10) to perform other duties as required by LAN Admin and SITM.

Terms of Appointment: Successful candidates will be appointed on non-civil service terms up to 31 March 2026. Renewal of contract will be subject to the service need of the Department and the performance of the candidate.

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